…No.142548+@yubimiru_macky @housyun_1989 @nekomimikoushou |
…No.142551+ 南條幸也フルイ カンジョウツクル |
…No.142552+https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLxKs8zOGNQ |
…No.142553+カンジョウツクルナdisgust |
…No.142562+なー |
…No.143423+https://www.pref.aichi.jp/police/anzen/110/index.html |
…No.143424+https://oeis.org/A217575 |
…No.143428+FULL DRIVE is end. https://www.shonenjump.com/j/rensai/fulldrive.html FULL DRIVE is crime. https://www.un.org/en/universal-declaration-human-rights/ police law human rights 90 |
…No.143432+ Takumi Sato http://japan.kantei.go.jp/constitution_and_government_of_japan/constitution_e.html |
…No.143433+ use http://japan.kantei.go.jp/constitution_and_government_of_japan/constitution_e.htmlcrimehttps://www.shonenjump.com/j/rensai/fulldrive.htmluseAspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes.In order to accomplish the aim of the preceding paragraph, land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained. The right of belligerency of the state will not be recognized.useThe people shall not be prevented from enjoying any of the fundamental human rights. These fundamental human rights guaranteed to the people by this Constitution shall be conferred upon the people of this and future generations as eternal and inviolate rights. |
…No.143434+ Takumi Sato uses human rights. usehttp://japan.kantei.go.jp/constitution_and_government_of_japan/constitution_e.htmlcrimehttps://www.shonenjump.com/j/rensai/fulldrive.htmluseAspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes.In order to accomplish the aim of the preceding paragraph, land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained. The right of belligerency of the state will not be recognized.useThe people shall not be prevented from enjoying any of the fundamental human rights. These fundamental human rights guaranteed to the people by this Constitution shall be conferred upon the people of this and future generations as eternal and inviolate rights. |
…No.143435+Takumi Sato uses The Constitution of Japan. Takumi Sato uses The Constitution of Japan Article 9. Takumi Sato uses The Constitution of Japan Article 11. https://www.shonenjump.com/j/rensai/fulldrive.html |
…No.143437+ Takumi Sato uses The Constitution of Japan Article 9. Takumi Sato uses The Constitution of Japan Article 11.Takumi Sato uses Police |
…No.143439+Takumi Sato uses human rights. Takumi Sato uses The Constitution of Japan Article 9. Takumi Sato uses The Constitution of Japan Article 11. Takumi Sato uses Police. Takumi Sato enjoys fundamental human rights. Takumi Sato exercises human rights. https://www.shonenjump.com/j/rensai/fulldrive.html |
…No.143440+ 本文無し |
…No.143442+Takumi Sato uses International Human Rights Law. Takumi Sato uses The Constitution of Japan Article 9. Takumi Sato uses The Constitution of Japan Article 11. Takumi Sato uses Police. Takumi Sato enjoys fundamental human rights. Takumi Sato exercises human rights. https://www.shonenjump.com/j/rensai/fulldrive.html |
…No.143443+なー |
…No.143444+なー |
…No.143445+Naru Sato uses human rights. Naru Sato uses International Human Rights Law. Naru Sato uses The Constitution of Japan Article 9. Naru Sato uses The Constitution of Japan Article 11. Naru Sato uses Police. |
…No.143446+ https://www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/Pages/WhatareHumanRights.aspx 12NameTakumi Sato 20/08/16(日)00:09:52No.143435+Takumi Sato uses The Constitution of Japan.Takumi Sato uses The Constitution of Japan Article 9.Takumi Sato uses The Constitution of Japan Article 11.https://www.shonenjump.com/j/rensai/fulldrive.html1 |
…No.143447+ https://www.ohchr.org/EN/ProfessionalInterest/Pages/CCPR.aspx |
…No.143450+https://www.facebook.com/unitednationshumanrights/ |
…No.143451+ Takumi Sato uses https://www.facebook.com/unitednationshumanrights/ |
…No.143452+I use https://www.facebook.com/unitednationshumanrights/ |
…No.143453+Naru Sato uses human rights. Naru Sato uses The Constitution of Japan Article 9. Naru Sato uses The Constitution of Japan Article 11. Naru Sato uses Police. Naru Sato uses https://www.facebook.com/unitednationshumanrights/ https://www.shonenjump.com/j/rensai/fulldrive.html I use https://www.facebook.com/unitednationshumanrights/ |
…No.143455+ Takumi Sato uses The Universal Declaration of Human Rights |
…No.143456+なー |
…No.143459+ Takumi Sato uses International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights |
…No.143460+矢野毅みたいに全く関係ないこちらに 毎回、オナニーやっているかとか会社で言う在日がいた。 こんなのを放置だから失われた30年がおきる。 普通の会社はセクハラになるが在日だから 罰もなし、同性でそんな在日がいた。 矢野毅 |
…No.143461+全く関係ないこちらが被害を受けて 在日や帰化人ネットワークのそんな在日矢野毅その他は おとがめなしだしな。 そんな事をやってきて 逆にこちらに擦り付けて加害者にされたり した。 |
…No.143462+ Takumi Sato uses UN Human Rights |
…No.143463+なー |
…No.143645+ ✉️かもと思った さよなら いじめ 人形 キャラクター ちゃんみー 豚ママ ほうしゅん とりうみ 誰? |
…No.143650+南條幸也を2021年6月6日に消した。 |
…No.143653+おわり |