自作絵裏2@2020年09月ふたば保管庫 [戻る]

178545 B
Name名無し19/05/02(木)19:43:38 IP:180.29.*(ocn.ne.jp)No.34223+
24年6月頃消えます what is the main thing you japanese study to learn art fundementals

we must settle the question 'what is japanese version of loomis' once and for all

From 4chan, with love <3

ルーミスを補完するような事が出来てもルーミスには 成れません

日本には 北斎漫画という 素晴らしい物がありますが 日本人は

まったく 気にもしていません

色々練習とガッカリ絵を学びます 4chan could use more loomis.
No.34233+I'm also interested in the artist Loomis introduces in his book

Norman Rockwell. John Gannam. Sargent
I think the basic way of thinking is the same

When I learned about Bernard Brussels Smith in a pencil drawing book written by Ferdinand Petrie
It was interesting to know that the size of the picture and the impression were not necessarily the same.